“There is no evolution without crisis” by/di Pamela Goldman (traduzione in italiano a fondo pagina) Sophie Gregoire Trudeau was interviewed on the evening of...
New York City
The Relevant and the Absurd / Pertinente e Assurdo by/di Pamela Goldman (traduzione in italiano al fondo pagina) Places“I am drawn to subjects I find...
Arte dal cuore di Soho, NYC by/di Pamela Goldman (traduzione in italiano al fondo pagina) “My work. It’s difficult to know how to begin writing...
Upper East Side, New York City by/di Pamela Goldman (the translation into Italian at the bottom of the page) The abundance of art on...
Unedited thoughts of international artist and thinker, Guy Augeri / Pensieri in libertà di un pensatore e artista internazionale, Guy Augeri Compiled by Pamela...
Gerald Feldman: Seasoned NYC street photographer and the ‘science’ of his style / Gerald Feldman: un veterano della fotografia di strada newyorkese e la...