A new short story for your leisure / Un nuovo racconto per il tempo libero by/di Guy Augeri (translation into Italian at the bottom...
Guy Augeri

Take your air / Prendi aria! by/di Guy Augeri https://www.instagram.com/guyaugeri/?utm_medium=copy_linkaugeriguy3@gmail.com A selection of poems WTFLookin’ back intoeach other’s eyeswe’re an octopus that has gone too...
Tell me something about you / Raccontami qualcosa di te by/di Guy Augeri U ON TOP by Guy Augerihttps://www.instagram.com/guyaugeri/?utm_medium=copy_linkaugeriguy3@gmail.com MEATBALLS by Guy Augeri (nel...
“My version of Charles Dickens Christmas” / “La mia versione del Natale alla Charles Dickens” by/di Guy Augeri (translation into Italian at the bottom...